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About the Workshop

Do you want to support yourself financially in a way that aligns with your soul purpose, inner fulfilment and dharma?

Are you someone who wants to contribute to dharmic causes but in a financially sustainable way?

Are you interested in learning about ancient Hindu spirituality and how it can inform conscious entrepreneurship?

Then this workshop is for you!

I’ll be drawing upon my 6+ years of experience as a full-time digital nomad to guide you how to create that for yourself, bringing together the areas of Sanatan Dharma and digital nomad entrepreneurship lifestyle. You can read more about my story below!

In this workshop I’ll be giving you practical guidance and tools to start your dharmic entrepreneurship journey. I focus heavily on the INNER WORK aspect of manifesting your life, rooted in Vedic principles. You will leave this session with a lot more clarity on the paths that you can take and the steps you can pursue to monetise effectively.

Don’t miss this if you are looking to achieve more financial + location freedom AND contribute to dharma at the same time.

Here’s what you will learn:

1. How to decide your niche as a dharmic entrepreneur

2. What are the key areas of need for dharmic civilisational survival

3. Ancient Hindu concepts to inform conscious entrepreneurship

4. How do you brand yourself and develop your own products

5. Leveraging social media for dharmic entrepreneurship

6. Effective inner spiritual work to manifest your visions

7. Charting your timeline for your entrepreneurship journey

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What’s my story

My name is Kamya Buch and I’ve been a digital nomad since 2015 - which means I am fully location independent!

I finished my Masters degree in Economics from Warwick University in England; after which I embarked on a solo exploration journey across the world. My spiritual journey started in 2011, yet there was something in me that was deeply seeking real life experience; the kind that I would not get from reading books.

From 2016 I explored various countries and ancient cultures, before starting my travel page Wandering Kamya. It has now been 7 years that I am a full-time digital nomad and have travelled across SE Asia, Europe, America, India and further. My exploration has involved global ancient cultures, shamanic healing methods and Vedic spiritual systems of my own lineage.

As a digital nomad and entrepreneur, I've worked in education, content creation and marketing - yet my soul is in spiritual growth. My largest passion is helping people tap into the power of their own inner world to manifest their most fulfilling and abundant life.

I know that if it is possible for me, it is possible for you too. It is my firm belief that every human being has the ability to develop a life around their soul purpose and inner fulfilment.

The power to shift your life is within your consciousness, let me show you how.

Sign up now to get started!


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